** Resilience and Independence Assembly PowerPoint**
This download includes a fun and interesting 21 slide PowerPoint presentation for your assembly. This assembly teaches children to think about growth mind set, encourages them to use the learning pit and helps kids to use their struggles to improve.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Thinking of others at Christmas; Complete PSHE Lesson
This download includes a complete PSHE lesson to help children understand the struggles some people face at Christmas time. The lesson focuses on how they can help other people and the difficulties they may be facing. There is a detailed PowerPoint and discussing homelessness, illness and other problems faced by many at this time of year. There are also two independent activities for the children to complete to show their understanding and to reinforce the learning.
This download includes:
- Lesson plan
- Lesson PowerPoint
- Letter writing sheet
- Ways we can help activity
Thanks for looking
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here.
Some of my other products:
Complete Instruction Writing Unit .
Complete Persuasive Writing Unit .
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit .
Behaviour Club Booklet
This booklet is part of a behaviour system I use in my classroom. If a child has to be kept in at play they take out their behaviour booklet and they reflect on what happened and why.
I have found these very useful
If you have any questions please ask
Thanks for looking.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
My other PSHE products:
Making Good Choices Complete Lesson
Kindness Worksheets Pack
Earth Day PowerPoint and Worksheets
New Year Worksheet
New Year Resolutions Fun Worksheet
Back to School!
This download contains a short worksheet for children to reflect on last year and then look ahead to 2019
Can be used as a stand-alone activity or part of a writing lesson.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Please remember to leave feedback and follow me for news, promotions and product updates here: https://www.tes.com/member/Charleei
The Ginger Teacher
Some of my other products:
Digestive System Workbook https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/science-workbook-digestive-system-11064088
Animal Food Chains, Complete Unit of Workhttps://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/complete-science-unit-food-chains-11061614
Sounds, Vibrations and Hearing Worksheets https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sounds-vibrations-and-hearing-science-worksheets-11140895
Teeth and Oral Hygiene Worksheets
This is a fun 2 page worksheet for teaching children about oral hygiene and their teeth, the place of teeth in the mouth and their jobs. It can be used as part of an 'our bodies' unit.
There are some coloured pictures but works just as well when printed black and white
If you have any questions please ask. Don’t forget to leave feedback and follow me for updates on my products
Thanks so much for stopping by!
The Ginger Teacher
Kindness Worksheets
Celebrate Kindness Week!
This download includes work sheets to help children with kindness and to express international kindness week.
This download includes:
- Kindness bingo
- Tear off motivational quotes display
- Kindness plan work sheet
- Kindness award
- Kindness notes
- Kindness diary
- Diary instructions
Thanks for looking
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here.
Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack .
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook .
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit .
New Year Workbook
New Year Resolutions Fun Interactive Workbook
Back to School!
This download contains a 16-page student workbook for children to reflect on the previous year and make plans for the coming one.
The workbooks include advice on resolutions and examples, pages to help the children reflect on the previous year and space to work out the steps they need to take to reach their resolutions this year. There are also a few fun activities, a little math quiz and word search as well as some mindful colouring pictures.
Can be used as a stand-alone activity or part of a writing lesson.
There are some coloured pictures but works just as well when printed black and white
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thanks for looking.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
More of my products:
Complete Instruction Writing Unit
Complete Persuasive Writing Unit
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Making Choices for Good Behaviour; Complete Lesson
This download includes a complete PSHE lesson to help children understand how their choices affect others. The lesson focuses on how they can make the right choice in difficult classroom situations. There is a detailed PowerPoint and video to be used to explain how ‘Harry’ the monster feels and the choices he makes. There is also two independent activities for the children to complete to show their understanding and to reinforce the learning.
This lesson has proved very effective with difficult classes and can be expanded into more than one lesson for discussions.
This download includes:
- Lesson plan
- Lesson video
- Lesson PowerPoint
- Advice sheet
- What happens when…. sheet
Thanks for looking
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here.
Some of my other products:
Kindness Worksheet Pack
Worldbook Day Worksheets .
Developing Greater Depth in Mathematics Video .
24 Posters with letters of the alphabet and the corresponding sign in British Sign Language
These are great for decorating your classroom or for using as flash cards to teach children the signs for the letters.
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
This bundle of products are all related to the month of January or early February. Grab the whole bundle for 20% discount
This bundle includes:
Groundhog Day Lesson
Black History Month Quote Posters
Black history Month Famous people Lessons
New Year Activity Pack
New Year Resolutions Pack
Christmas Silent Night Lesson
Sign Language Lesson for Christmas
Teach children how to use sign language with this compete lesson. Children will learn how to sign the popular Christmas carol Silent Night.
Perfect for Christmas or class assemblies.
This download includes lessons for both ASL (American Sign Language) and BSL (British Sign Language). Everything you need to teach the whole lesson is included.
This download includes:
- Full lesson plan
- 2 instructional videos
- Silent night printable lyrics
- 2 sign reminder sheets
- Silent night music to sign to.
- Information sheet on Deafness and sign language
A few of my other products:
Complete Instruction Writing Unit . https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/instruction-writing-english-complete-unit-of-work-11073401
Complete Persuasive Writing Unit . https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/persuasive-writing-chocolate-complete-unit-of-work-4-weeks-11150139
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit . https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/complete-english-unit-of-work-dialogues-and-play-scripts-11066463